Preparations for Spring Semester!!!! :)

Hi Everyone,

Today at the meeting we talked a lot about plans for next semester! Here’s a run-down:

We will be hosting meetings on Tuesdays at 5:00 PM next semester. This day seemed to better accommodate people’s schedules.

Therefore, the first meeting of the semester will be Tuesday, January 19th at 5:00 PM in the Honors Common Room where we will be discussing The Pelican Brief by John Grisham. Please find a copy at your library or purchase it used through (Dr. Katz got hers for $4 on amazon, including shipping!).

We want to meet the following week, Tuesday, January 26th at 5:00 PM to watch the movie! Even if you have classes before or afterwards, at least come for part of the evening!

Next, we wanted to vote on a handful of books to discuss for our next two meetings. First place will be our February book and second place will be our March book. Please choose one of the following! (February meeting tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, February 16 at 5 PM. March meeting tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 23 at 5 PM).

Please have voting completed by Friday, December 11!

Finally, in April, David Sedaris will be coming to speak. Sedaris has written a handful of books such as “When You are Engulfed in Flames” and “Me Talk Pretty One Day.” In preparation for his visit, we will be discussing his books in April. You may pick any one of them to read and share with the group! Dr. Katz will be checking on ticket prices for the event since it unfortunately isn’t going to be free for students but she feels it will be well worth it. David Sedaris will be speaking on Wednesday, April 21 at 8 PM. We can meet the day before on Tuesday, April 20 to discuss his books!